Friday, December 23, 2011

Extending NIEM and tools for NIEM

Two resources for NIEM development include the NIEM tools center on Sourceforge, and the NIEMdev project on Google sites. In addition for NIEM message exchanges using a neutral messaging framework there is the LEXS work (Logic Entity eXchange System) and the LEXS development site.

Each site is serving a different audience.  The NIEM tools project on Sourceforge focuses on using the OASIS CAM (Content Assembly Mechanism) approach for XML validation frameworks and message assembly.  These tools accelerate the development of NIEM exchanges and dictionary components sets to support discreet NIEM domains.

The NIEM development site on Google is focused on collaborative resources for general development of NIEM and specific example IEPDs. Initially this is focused on the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) V2 development.

The LEXS development site hosts the specifications for LEXS and public resources to aid with the development of LEXS based message exchanges.

We will continue to provide updates from time to time and significant news regarding availability of NIEM tools.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

CAM editor v2.0 ships with enhanced NIEM support

The latest CAM editor toolkit v2.0 boasts an impressive feature set for NIEM developers including:
  • Drag and drop assembly of exchange structures from sets of dictionary canonical components
  • Support for modelling with UML/XMI and “FreeMind” MindMap tools
  • Cross platform deployment - Windows, *NIX and MacOs in 32bit and 64bit executables
  • New visual editor with color coding, 3x performance increase and 50% less memory use
  • Enhanced and improved NIEM IEPD production features and NIEM dictionary collections
  • Dictionary harvesting from schema with dictionary compiling for drag and drop tool use
  • External codelist generation and support
  • Support for branding, delivery packaging and NIEM features development from Oracle
  • Standalone CAMV 1.1.4 validation engine and ANT batch scripts testing environment
Together these improvements allow people to fully integrate their exchange schema development from
dictionaries of components to exchange schema structures. Then align with modelling documentation
and designs, while automating the production of actual exchange schema and XML instance test suites needed for a full NIEM IEPD delivery.

The v2.0 release notes PDF are here.

You can find out more from the CAM editor download site.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Latest CAMeditor v1.9 for NIEM now available from Sourceforge

The latest CAMeditor release is now available from Sourceforge:
Highlights include:
1) Complete external code lists support for code values via files and import of code lists
2) Enhancements to the evaluator, NDR checks and NIEM re-use scoring tools
3) Performance enhancements to XSD schema importing tool
4) Generation of NIEM EIEC / BIEC dictionary schema from ERwin enterprise model components
5) Support for KeyRef notations in structure editor
6) Enhanced XML example generation
Then there's a raft of fixin's and improvements from over 4 months of development since the last release.  Full details are in the release notes PDF documentation and the online tracker system.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to helping make this new release the best yet.  And special shout out goes to IEPD Factory team and working with us so we can share code list files between tools.

Please feel free to provide feedback via Sourceforge project discussion area, OASIS CAM dev list, or contacting the team directly.