Two resources for NIEM development include the NIEM tools center on Sourceforge, and the NIEMdev project on Google sites. In addition for NIEM message exchanges using a neutral messaging framework there is the LEXS work (Logic Entity eXchange System) and the LEXS development site.
Each site is serving a different audience. The NIEM tools project on Sourceforge focuses on using the OASIS CAM (Content Assembly Mechanism) approach for XML validation frameworks and message assembly. These tools accelerate the development of NIEM exchanges and dictionary components sets to support discreet NIEM domains.
The NIEM development site on Google is focused on collaborative resources for general development of NIEM and specific example IEPDs. Initially this is focused on the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) V2 development.
The LEXS development site hosts the specifications for LEXS and public resources to aid with the development of LEXS based message exchanges.
We will continue to provide updates from time to time and significant news regarding availability of NIEM tools.